Cooking App
Spillt App is a mobile (iOS) application for lovers of cooking and recipe sharing. This application allows users to save links to recipes from various blogs and websites, create recipe collections, leave comments, share reviews of the cooked dishes, add friends to society and create similar interest groups. Blogger-creators of the cooking portals will be able to expand and promote their blog through the application functionality.
- to develop an iOS app;
- to attract food bloggers to promote their blogs through the app.

Food blogers
Star rating
- using React Native, Supabase technologies to develop an application;
- using Firebase to implement notification logic more efficiently;
- integration with WP(WordPress) plugin to synchronize data from food bloggers' websites with their account in the application.

Tracked hours
~ $90k
Number of screens
Spillt App is a mobile (iOS) application for lovers of cooking and recipe sharing.
We’ve just been consistently impressed with their quality, when we were first selecting which agency we were going to work with, they showed up with a lot of incredibly thoughtful questions. It was clear that they had not just taken a look and said “okay, sure, we’ll build it”, but they had really thought through the product as users, as people investing in making a successful app, not just checking their boxes. So from the very beginning we just found them to be thorough, to be thoughtful and they have helped us build this at a speed we couldn’t have done on our own. We’ve been really just grateful for how communicative and responsive the team has been. We’ve loved working with them and we were really just happy with the way that the app is turning out.
Ann Baum, CEO and Co-founder Spillt